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Do Trump followers have limerence for him?

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Re: Do Trump followers have limerence for him?

Post by JupiterTaco »

I thought about posting this in that's outrageous but I thought about putting it here since it kind of ties into the subject for me. First and foremost I'm really glad that somebody actually called him out and asked him about all these things he has been purported to have said.

For so long all I've been hearing is Trump said this Trump did that with no real way to prove that it actually happened. I'll admit that I'm not the best at following politics as I think most politicians are just a waste of space and since I'm libertarian I am more than outraged that Kamala Harris has a f****** personal plane when I can't get my speaker to work in my car half the time. What do these people do that entitles them to the money that they waste? I sure wish somebody would tell me but I don't even know if anybody knows!

So that's my opinion of politicians in a nutshell regardless of what side they're on. but at the risk of going too far off topic I want to say that because I don't follow politics that much I understand there may actually be videos of him saying this stuff but I remember at one point and I think it was years ago that I tried looking up the racist things that Trump has said and for whatever reason wasn't able to find it.

So I'm glad that these people called him out and I'm quite miffed that he didn't just say well I never said those things and I don't know why people are saying that I said those things if he didn't. I mean he's trying to win the vote of people who think that he hates them! And given the way he just evaded answering the questions and puffed himself up in importance and went on and on about this news source is fake news and is horrible at it hey that's not how you win votes! Even if it's true which it probably is that is not how you win votes you win votes by connecting people and showing them what value you provide in their life and what value they provide to you.

So yeah I'm not registered to vote because I have no idea how to register since I have like three different addresses on my life at this point since I've been unable to register my car in my state where I live and then my PO box was downgraded because even though I went there in person I still apparently had to register it online to get my mail forwarded when going there in person was supposed to avoid that in the first place. Is that another politician's miracle that's some fat white boy is being paid not to solve? But again going off topic even if I was registered to vote I probably wouldn't vote for this guy.

And that's just sad because I still stand by what I said about how he knows how to run business I agree that America should be run more like a business instead of money just being squandered and wasted. But between him and all these anti-abortion anti-gay anti people of color f***wads and democratic politicians who want people to be allowed to be homeless which really just means that their encampments will be swept up less than they normally are it doesn't mean that it won't happen just that all politicians will continue to keep their positions wasting money and not doing anything and the people will keep suffering. I really don't know where this country is headed.
"You like books that you got to listen to and TV shows that you've got to read. You like the quiet after the first snowfall," Beau, The Ranch
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Re: Do Trump followers have limerence for him?

Post by JupiterTaco »

"You like books that you got to listen to and TV shows that you've got to read. You like the quiet after the first snowfall," Beau, The Ranch
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:07 am
United States of America

Re: Do Trump followers have limerence for him?

Post by Beowulf62 »

Absolutely not.
He's a colorful business tycoon with an unorthodox style.
He can be entertaining, but limerence?
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