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Thanks to Covid for something!

A place for those new to this site. The more experienced users of this site tend to frequent the members only section more.
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Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:51 pm

Thanks to Covid for something!

Post by DelusionGirl »

Well my limerence is in a very low ebb thank you Covid for something!
Covid put a stop to the one in-person contact I had with LO. It’s been a year. I saw him once last June. His face was everything a limerent would hope for. All longing and torment. But that was many months ago. I saw him briefly in December with a mask and hat on in a store and I don’t think he even recognized me.
For a while he tried all the Old tricks on social media, but I gave him nothing. Even as i didn’t respond I was gratified for his attentions although they were small. I refused to respond for at least 6 months. Eventually I did respond a little. A very little. I still think about him more than anyone. But it doesn’t kill me anymore. The rejection doesn’t keep me up. I am very happy with my SO. He is an amazing person. He connects with me. He improved himself. We have a great family. There was never anything wrong there that Limerence didn’t try to make me doubt!
Sometimes i feel I miss him dreadfully. But I think that’s just the loneliness that I’ve always felt talking.
I find myself dreaming of LO but somehow he is my SO too. I Feel sorry i lost lo but at the same time I am so relieved not to feel the crushing rejection. I am glad of peace.
Goodbye LO. 8 years is a long time.
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