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Where does Limerence end and real Love begin?

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Re: Where does Limerence end and real Love begin?

Post by yoguisan »

Hey L-F, thanks for sharing this, though I'm also a bit skeptical it's always good to have new sources of information, though it may not provide me an answer it could give me an insight that might lead me closer to an answer.

And yes, it did drive me away from LO for some time; it's kind of ironic how sometimes talking about her kind of distracts me from what I'm feeling. The real issue lately is how unstable I am; for some time I was down all the time, then I started feeling good most of the day, until I found out this last piece of information about LO. Since then, I have very wild mood swings during the day, ranging from starting the day motivated, planning to buy a house and calculating how much I'd have to invest monthly to do so, all the way to wondering how quick of a death would be to jump in front of a bus. I'm sorry for sounding like an edgy teenager and also for speaking of potentially sensitive topics like this, but this is just to explain the situation. At the end of the last year and at the peak of my LE, I tattooed the arrows of chaos on my right arm, and I think there's no better symbol to describe what's been going on inside my head.

Sorry for the long rant and for saying all of this; I don't want to sound suicidal or to make you think I just want attention, but there are not that many people around me I can say such things to, at least not without getting involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward or leaving them worried and unable to sleep at night. I promise that I'm trying everything I can to get better and leave this all behind as soon as possible.
"So what if healing takes forever?
So what if time is meant for others?
So what is left is but a shatter
And what is broken can't be whole?
What is broken can't be whole again"
Dark Tranquility - Hours Passed in Exile
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