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Life feels scary when I'm not following anyone

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Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:11 pm
Age: 33

Life feels scary when I'm not following anyone

Post by Yesnomaybeso »

Hmm does anyone have any advice for when you get to the point in your life where you somehow stop following other people to give you direction in life and now feel like you have absolutely no clue what to do because you feel like you don't know yourself enough to make decisions? I just feel really weird and a bit scared. I know this will pass and is a good thing but it just really feels like I have no parachute.
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Re: Life feels scary when I'm not following anyone

Post by JupiterTaco »

I can relate to that feeling. That was me during bottoming out in my fifth limerence episode and thereafter. You need to find yourself. Sometimes that means facing yourself and facing whatever past trauma. That can be very scary especially for addicts but is essential to finding the life you wish to live.
She's not broken, she's just a baby. But her boyfriend's like a dad just like a dad-Lady Gaga, Alejandro
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