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What makes you want to break NC?

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What makes you want to break NC?

Post by Mbull »

I am trying NC for the last three days, everyday hoping she will reach out. But she hasn't so far.
The utter indifference from her is driving me crazy!
I keep thinking, what if she becomes distant and forgets me altogether. Out of sight out of mind!
I am highly tempted to contact.
LO is my ex's sister. We keep in touch as friends - well it's only me mostly sending her text or calling at times.
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Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:08 pm
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Re: What makes you want to break NC?

Post by Cookie »

Usually a low point in my day or life -- disagreement with SO, some triggering event that's made me sad, not hearing from my daughter.

But sometimes also a high point -- an interesting thing related to the business connection we shared, a funny story that I know he'd like.

Honestly, I could go on and on here. There are A LOT of things that tell me to break NC. But I am just as well off talking to a wall, because the minute he has me hooked into "wanting him" again, that's what he becomes.
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:40 pm
New Zealand

Re: What makes you want to break NC?

Post by limbo »

I can relate with wanting to break NC when met with indifference. But the main thing that makes me want to break it is the idea that we might have an EA and connect as soulmates if only we can become each other's best friends.
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