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SO as your imaginary friend?

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SO as your imaginary friend?

Post by NoDayDreaming »

this subforum is so slow, i decided to start a new discussion here.

how many of you had imaginary friends while a young child? i certainly had. in the times of loneliness (way too often), i could entertain myself by discussions with my imaginary friends (typically heroes of movies or books). later in life, that mostly disappeared, or was partially replaced by daydreaming about success and perfect life (i know how silly, LOL). i understand some religious people can talk to God like an imaginary friend too, but i was incapable of doing that.

fast forward to my last LE, and my LO was my imaginary friend who kept me company, and we could talk to each other in my head and later, parts of that imaginary discussion was converted to letters to her. this is a part of the reason why the LE was so pleasant, intoxicating, and addicting (initially, i mean).

then i had this revelation today, why my own SO can't be such an imaginary friend? she is a good person who cares about me, and she could do it as well as anyone else. this way we can be together while physically separated. now, we all know that even the real love needs space. no problem with that, one can have rotating imaginary friends.

i know it sounds like i'm kidding here, but i'm actually half serious.

any takers?
Posts: 269
Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2019 2:18 am
United States of America

Re: SO as your imaginary friend?

Post by Bridget »

I hear you! I didn't have imaginary friends when I was a kid, but my LO was essentially my imaginary friend. I'd imagine him as being with me and me talking to him about the things I experienced through out my day.

Making SO your imaginary friend? It wouldn't work for me. The great thing about imaginary friends is that you control their response and they're always happy to listen to you. I can't fool myself that my SO would be nearly as interested or thoughtful as I imagined my LO to be.

Re: SO as your imaginary friend?

Post by NoDayDreaming »

Bridget wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:36 am I can't fool myself
funny why not, it's all in our heads.

have you heard: Fake it till you make it? LOL!
Posts: 129
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:52 pm
Age: 62
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Re: SO as your imaginary friend?

Post by loslabios »

I totally understand this. My LO is an imaginary friend. In reality, she is a former student who is 30 years younger than I am. In my fantasy world, she is my best friend who I would step in front of a speeding bus to save. I am frustrated because I cannot actually step in front of a bus to save her because she is living her life somewhere else and there are no speeding buses from which I can save her. If only I could somehow show her that I am her true friend and hero????

But, that is not reality. Reality is sitting at home with my wife in one room watching television and myself in another room typing on my iPhone with my thumb. Reality is me being socially awkward around LO and having so much anxiety I nearly throw up because of my LO phobia. In my imagination, I am her superhero. In reality, I am lovesick and lonely.

I wish my wife could fulfill my imaginary friend fantasy. Or, I wish I could be the person with my wife that I dream of being with LO. Perhaps, I just need to learn to be OK accepting things the way they are?
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