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LO flirting good or bad?

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LO flirting good or bad?

Post by Newmike »

I have known LO for about a year. I have met her a couple of times and we sometimes chat on zoom.
She mostly comes across as an introverted, serious book-warm kind of person and hardly ever makes light conversation let alone flirt. Occasionally though I have seen her acting playful, and cracking a joke or say something sarcastically to tease, but its very rare and she has always done it within a limit.
But in our last call she was acting very different. She seemed in a different mood altogether. She was laughing for no reason, even I think flirted with me a little. She said "I am sure you will never ask someone like me out" with this playful sparkle in her eyes. Her boyfriend was also on the call, sitting right there. I don't know how to read this. I am thinking I should have felt good about this but strangely I have mixed feelings. After that call her image has changed in my mind but I am not sure in a good way or bad way. I think of LO as a very "pure" and "innocent" person, but maybe I am wrong? I am still thinking about her constantly but her flirtatious side seems strange to come to terms with. Anyone else experienced something like this?
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Re: LO flirting good or bad?

Post by marko »

We tend to project an image onto our LO. Usually it's much better than reality and there are a few reasons to do this. My lo had subtle to over the top flirtations and when the fog cleared I saw her as just looking to gain attention. As LE goes you rake these things back and forth over the coals trying to look for way more than intended. You hope not, but it's part of the game you play with yourself. I wanted the LO to be perfect so my projections about her were designed to make her fit my world. I thought I was king of the planet for a couple of months.
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Re: LO flirting good or bad?

Post by John »

Introverts, me being one, come across in public as you describe; serious, quiet, shy. We only open up with others we are close to and comfortable with. The fact that she was acting giddy and flirtatious might be due to her being together with her boyfriend. Her statement "I am sure you will never ask someone like me out" could have been a covert hint toward you, or it could have been said to make her boyfriend jealous and more attentive. I don't know your ages but that seems like an immature way for her to act. Like Marko said, you can't read too much into this. If she is seriously interested in you she will surely make an effort to reach out, even if she is an introvert.

Re: LO flirting good or bad?

Post by Newmike »

Cheers guys!
I can relate to that. I feel like I'm the king of the planet no doubt and shes my queen.
@marko out of curiosity, how did your fog clear eventually? Was it something she did or said that finally did it or did you do something?
I am 39 LO is 35ish, I see what you mean by sounding immature, thats the reason why I was also taken aback bcoz shes usually acting very mature.
Mate nothing will please more than if she reaches out but seems like that day is nowhere near.
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