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Crush or...

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Crush or...

Post by SFB »

I fell hard for a guy. We hardly talked just glances but he had a gf and I tried to suppress my feelings. I don’t see him anymore but I miss him. I miss the butterflies, the possibilities, and I keep reminiscing.. I feel so frustrated at myself for being in this state while he probably never thinks of me. I keep thinking of him, playing songs about my feelings, searching him time to time online... I know we’re not meant to be but Idk why I can’t move on...

Re: Crush or...

Post by billton »

It sounds like this could turn into limerence if you get more "exposure" to this guy, so in a way it's a good thing that you don't see him anymore.
Gentle advice... count your blessings, turn around, run and don't look back!

Re: Crush or...

Post by SFB »

@billton, ty for your gentle advice.. “ count your blessings, turn around, run and don't look back!”

I’ve been trying but it’s difficult... do u maybe have a “brutal” advice ?

Re: Crush or...

Post by SFB »

@billton, ty for your gentle advice.. “ count your blessings, turn around, run and don't look back!”

I’ve been trying but it’s difficult... do u maybe have a “brutal” advice ?

Re: Crush or...

Post by billton »

I feel sorry for you! I know this is painful, every person on this forum will understand and sympathise with you.
The brutal advice would be to show some maturity and just forget him once and for all ... even as I say it I know it's not as simple as that, so... sorry once again.

Maybe I can tell you my situation, it might distract your mind :)

I don't know how and exactly when it happened but I have fallen BADLY for my friend's wife.
Now I am at a stage when every day is painful and sleep is totally gone.
When I see them together I can't tell you how much it hurts,like something is cutting me deep inside.

As if my misery was not enough, I recently found out that they are going to have a baby.
I want to be happy for them but don't how to feel happy anymore :(

Life is funny hah!
Posts: 1808
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:20 pm
United States of America

Re: Crush or...

Post by marko »

I think we try very hard to keep the feeling alive. It makes you feel less lonely and desirable--whatever the factor that needs attention in this. Figuring out the neediness can lead to a better you. For tough talk, this is a serious mental issue we toy and play with to manipulate a feeling of good or normal in ourselves. We will destroy ourselves and others to get what we are looking for. I can tell you what you already know about loving someone who isn;'t even reaching out to you is stupid--but this is an internal plan for self healing. When you deal with your sadness, anxiety, child hood issues and whatever it may be, you will become a healthier person and one not wasting time where it shouldn't be wasted.
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