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Dislosing suffering from limerence to a friend and their reaction a bit hurtful

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Re: Dislosing suffering from limerence to a friend and their reaction a bit hurtful

Post by Guest »

Overthinker, I see you have the co-worker issue too. So great, right? There is no escape. I am the female superior with control over his work, and I can't bring myself to cut him off at work in any way because I truly believe this is my burden to bear/problem and that behavior would be both spiteful and malicious. He probably thinks he's doing me a favor, and thinks that I actually like his fake attention. But at this point, it just pisses me off because he's already communicated to me that he's not interested in me in any romantic sense, and just wants me as a "friend," whatever that means. No doubt about it, he led me on. Like a typical narcissist, when I cool off a bit, knowing everything I've said and that's happened between us, he still wants to talk, flirt, etc. He probably can't stand that I tried to end our "friendship" and has zero empathy for my suffering, humiliation, and shame. And I have told him that I am suffering. It's almost like he delights in my pain.

I've even been a complete jerk and tried to be mean on purpose just so he'd leave me alone. Talk about passive-aggressive, right? I've tried literally everything else other than disclosing limerence as a mental condition ----apart from quitting my job ---- which would probably work because then he'd have no reason to kiss my ass.
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