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The spell is broken

A place for those new to this site. The more experienced users of this site tend to frequent the members only section more.

Re: The spell is broken

Post by Guest »

I am so grateful for stumbling across this site in what seems to have been an 24/7 deep dive on line to figure out what the hell was happening! I felt like I was losing my mind and now I see things a little clearer for the 1st time. I am currently at 32 days of NC with the ex AP and today is the first day that I can say I have hope for the future. Don't get me wrong I have a long way to go but the feeling of this is going to eat at me forever is fading.
I too looked to horoscopes, tarot cards etc. Anything that would get me a bit of hope to cling too and now I can see that for what it is.
One thing I know is that I will never put myself or those I love in this position ever again. I can't believe the person I turned into but I know the person I want to be. Thanks for listening.

Re: The spell is broken

Post by Limcoco »

I am at a stage where I don't want to be rid of my limerence. I like ruminating and thinking about my LO. I can spend all day just thinking about her. I wish I feel annoyed by her so I can work on giving her up. But till then .. I'm in dreamland and don't wake me up!
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