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Steps I am taking.

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Posts: 164
Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:28 pm
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Re: Steps I am taking.

Post by PhoenixJB »

he responded to my message... "not mad at all."
which really his only option was to respond that way. to not respond would imply he's mad, and he couldn't admit he is.
I didn't reply.

He hadn't viewed any of my stories since I unfollowed/removed him, but I still blocked him just in case. I thought it was safe to unblock him, surely he wouldn't view my stories now, but lo and behold, he viewed my story this morning. It was a stupid one too. Ugh. He had to go out of his way to look up my profile or go to our messages and click my profile, to view my story.

I don't know what it means but it's not nothing.

I am doing nothing. If anything him doing that gave me some small strength to keep avoiding/ignoring him. I'm not sure how long it will last. I was set to message him today saying let's reconnect and be friends again. So I'm glad he viewed my story, whatever it means, even if he is messing with me, it gave me strength to keep ignoring him.
Posts: 164
Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:28 pm
United States of America

Re: Steps I am taking.

Post by PhoenixJB »

10 days later... an update.. I continue to take one step forward, two steps back... after LO viewed my story, I swore I would not be sucked into responding to him. I did though, the following day. He responded in typical narc fashion, insisting he was not angry, while sounding angry, and insulting me, even calling me bipolar (for doing to him the exact thing he did to me, which he denied and blamed on an Instagram 'glitch'! lol )

I tried to make nice, he insisted things were fine and all was good, I requested to follow him again (his acct is private) and after 24 hours he finally read that message and did not respond, and did not accept the follow request. Not mad, my ass!! Likely 'punishing' me or just showing me I am discarded.

That was last Tuesday. I sent a follow up message on Friday, very friendly, hoping he had a good week, asking if reconnecting was a "yes? no? still thinking about it?" and after 30 hours he still hadn't even read it, so I deleted the message as well as the follow request. That was Saturday.

it is now Tuesday. I am 3 days NC. I hope against hope that he will reach out, but I do believe he is well and truly done. Everyone who knows narc behavior assures me he will reach out at some point. I just don't think he will.

My job now is to move on and to heal. I am in therapy, I have PTSD from his abuse. I am in AA because that is another addiction that flared up while I was involved with him. I struggle with rage, knowing that I saw red flags all along, from the beginning, and my friends counseled me against continuing things with him, and I was blind, because I wanted to believe. There is a lot of self-blame and self-hate. I am in agony and completely broken hearted, and broken-souled.

But I know one thing... there exists a possibility for me to have an amazing life... to break free, to heal, to be the incredible, vibrant person that I was before he got his hands on me. There is NO possibility for him to change or have a fantastic life, ever. He will always be mean, petty, vindictive, jealous, and all the other things a narc is. Everything and everyone he touches will turn to shit. I want to send him scathing messages, oh so badly.... but I know what a narc does with those! Turns it around somehow, so I'm the bad person and he's the victim, and besides he doesn't feel any remorse for what he did to me, so no message I send will matter. No, it's up to me to live with this... nay, it's up to me to move on from this. That is what I intend to do.
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